Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Titan Times

The Titan Times, The Tech High School newspaper is now up and running. Check it out and find out what is going on at Tech High School and the world.

We Need 2 Read

How to Join the Challenge!

We Need 2 Read requires senior students to create a team of five, consisting of a senior and four under class-men. Each team will be challenged to read books on their personal and career interest.

At the end of the program each team member must be within 5 books of each member of their team. For example if Team Member 1 reads 20 books, then Team Member 2 must have read at a minimum 15 books. Book Reports will not be accepted if Team Member 1 reads 20 books and Team Member 2 only reads 5 books total.

Each team member will be required to complete a one page book report on each book read.

The book reports must be submitted using the online submission template on The team member will be required to enter their name, the name of their school, the name of their team, and their email address. Once the reports are submitted, the student will receive an email confirmation.

Each student will also be required to keep a hard copy of all book reports that will be submitted at the end of the program.

The team with the most books read and reports completed will be awarded a $10,000 scholarship. The senior of the winning team will receive $5000 for college, each under classmen will receive $1000 and the school of the winning team will receive $1,000.

Winners will be announced each December. Source

Kindness Campaign

It's best to be the kind of person that you would want to be friends with, but sometimes we don't do that. Sometimes we are mean and catty and just plain uncaring. But, we don't have to be that way. We can look at ourselves as culture keepers. We are the people that other people take their cue on how to behave so we must be kind.

Take a look at the trailer for the "Kindness Campaign". They visited Tech High awhile back and you can see some of our students in the documentary.  You can also take the quiz to see if you have the courage to be kind. Click Here

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SGA Elections

2010 Election from TechHighLibrary on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Style Spotlight- Street Etiquette

Looking for a little style inspiration for your dress down day? Take a peek at what the guys at Street Etiquette are doing.